YES it s true!
I have been invited to speak at an official TEDx event!
For those of you who have not heard of TED yet, let me just say this website will CHANGE your life! It is an incredible resource & well of fabulous talks on million different subjects from speakers from all around the world all in the spirit of SHARING ideas and making the world a better place!
There are 2 minute talks,1 hour talks, there are talks on art, on science, on music, there are singing talks and very structured serious talks – there is so much! Just when you thought the world could not surprise you any more or when you need some inspiration, go to TED website: & let the world bring you a breath of fresh air from the multitude of passionate speakers 🙂 I have some talks I watch every few months just to get a positive kick right when I need it : these include Brene Brown’s talk on vulnerability Or Steve Jobs passionate speech, or 2 min presentation by Derek Sivers on the wonders of opposite concepts being true depending on where we are, or .. I could go on for hours! If you are new to TED go to their website and chose what category you would like: funny, inspiring or maybe something more scientific? The TED is your oyster 🙂
I have dreamt of attending TED & speaking at TED for a long time.. And recently a local TEDx event organised by students at Royal Holloway university invited me to speak at their event this Sat 18th Oct! I will be joined by some incredible speakers from all over the UK & world all unite to share something we are passionate about 🙂 Let me just say that my talk is about protecting the voice as I am on a mIssion to help world voices be healthier and happier and prevent vocal injuries for everyone:)
You will be able to see my talk on their website or via a youtube link very soon!
Cannot wait to share it with you 🙂
with love & hugs
Maja (Petal)
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