by planetmaja | Aug 15, 2015 | Performances, Random personal thoughts:), Songwriter
So today I had a show… Seems normal but actually only last year & unplanned I suddenly became a ‘band’ on my own & got forced to also become a pianist after nearly 20 years of not touching the keys..And this time, the show was in an old...
by planetmaja | Oct 13, 2014 | Performances, Social media & web
YES it s true! I have been invited to speak at an official TEDx event! For those of you who have not heard of TED yet, let me just say this website will CHANGE your life! It is an incredible resource & well of fabulous talks on million different subjects...
by planetmaja | Oct 9, 2014 | Performances
Last night, Wed 8th Oct 2014, at InSpiral was SO nice…truly soul soothing! 🙂 and it wasn’t even the one when I will be the happy host-ess 🙂 InSpiral has just restarted doing their open mike sessions every Wednesday and the first one, this time was run by...
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